Displaying 371 - 380 of 584
Case Study

Social and Economic Impacts of PRADAN's Self Help Group Microfinance and Livelihoods Promotion Program: Analysis from Jharkhand, India

Has PRADAN's self help group - bank linkage model had a positive impact on clients' lives?
Case Study

The Wider Social Impacts of BRAC's Group-based Lending in Rural Bangladesh: Group Dynamics and Participation in Public Life

Impact of BRAC's microfinance beyond the household domain

Designing a Microfinance Development Strategy as Part of Economic Recovery & Employment Promotion in Post-Tsunami Aceh

Repairing the damage in Indonesia - a role for microfinance
Case Study

Micro Finance and Empowerment of Scheduled Caste Women: An Impact Study of SHGs in Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal

How do scheduled caste women benefit from SHG membership?

Efforts to Mitigate the Impact of AIDS on Clients, Households and Enterprises

How can microfinance help HIV/AIDS infected communities?
Case Study

Serving the Poorest of the Poor: The Poverty Impact of the Khushhali Bank's Microfinance Lending in Pakistan

Can a 'profit-focused' bank reach the poorest of the poor?
Guide / Toolkit

Assessing the Outcomes of Financial Education (Working Paper #3)

How to assess the outcomes and impacts of financial education programs?

Using Surveys Effectively (Practice Note No. 4)

Key issues in planning, designing and implementing an imapct survey

Desktop Study: SMEs and Poverty Reduction

Can the development of small and medium enterprises bring about poverty reduction?

CGAP Country-Level Savings Assessment: Bosnia & Herzegovina

How to improve formal sector savings in Bosnia-Herzegovina?