Displaying 191 - 200 of 274

Recovery from the Tsunami Disaster: Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development through Microfinance

Identifying "opportunities for impact" in Tsunami recovery projects

Beyond Economic Benefits: The Contribution to Microfinance to Post-conflict Recovery in Asia and the Pacific

Can microfinance promote social mobilization, empowerment, stabilization and peace building?

Microfinance, Youth and Conflict: Emerging Lessons and Issues

What are the special microfinance needs of the youth in conflict situations?

Final Report of the Workshop on Microfinance Promotion in Post-Tsunami Period

Proceedings from the"Microfinance Promotion in Post-Tsunami Period”" Workshop, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Microfinance in the Wake of a Tsunami: Sri Lanka

Looking at REVIVE, a project to help the tsunami-affected Sri Lanka

Designing a Microfinance Development Strategy as Part of Economic Recovery & Employment Promotion in Post-Tsunami Aceh

Repairing the damage in Indonesia - a role for microfinance

Survey Report of Microfinance Institutions Affected by Tsunami

The present state of 41 MFIs in 9 districts struck by the tsunami in Sri Lanka

Surviving Disasters and Supporting Recovery: A Guidebook for Microfinance Institutions

How can microfinance institutions prepare themselves and their clients for natural disasters?

Microfinance Role in Post Conflict and Crisis Situations

Microcredit and group formation in conflict-affected areas for financial and social empowerment

Sustaining Microfinance in Post-Tsunami Asia

How can MFIs be effective in post-tsunami assistance efforts?