Displaying 181 - 190 of 274
Case Study

Remittances in Crises: A Haiti Case Study

Analyzing contribution of remittances in disaster recovery

Microleasing in Livelihood Restoration Following a Natural Disaster

Helping the poor replace lost productive assets through microleasing
Case Study

Rural Finance in Conflict Environments: Experiences from Nepal's Small-Farmer Cooperatives Limited (SFCL)

Examining the efficacy of farmers' cooperatives in building peace

Microfinance and Social Impact in Post-Conflict Environments

Can microfinance rebuild communities in post-conflict environments where social ties have eroded?

Reconstruction and Development of the Microfinance System in Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD), Indonesia

How can microfinance in Indonesia recover from the devastating effects of the tsunami?

Honduras: Recovering from Hurricane Mitch

Strengthening the horticulture sector in post-hurricane Honduras
Case Study

Bolivia During the Global Crisis 1998-2004: Towards a Macroeconomics of Microfinance

Understanding the macroeconomic significance of microfinance

Recovery from the Tsunami Disaster: Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development through Microfinance

Identifying "opportunities for impact" in Tsunami recovery projects