Displaying 71 - 80 of 961
FinDev Blog

A Fair Digital Finance Market Failure: What a Recent Consumer Protection Index Reveals

The fair digital finance index measures the consumer experience of digital financial services and has found that, while stark global differences do exist, consumer protection needs remain unmet across the board.


World Vision and VisionFund Sign Global MOU with DreamStart Labs

The partnership will allow accelerating the digitization of savings groups worldwide and give members easier and faster access to microloans and microinsurance.

FinDev Blog

A Win for Women in Rwanda

Mobile money – and concerted efforts by government and mobile money operators to promote it - has helped reduce the financial inclusion gender gap. But more needs to be done.


India Commits $2 M As New Partner in Africa Digital Financial Inclusion Facility to Boost Digital Financial Inclusion Across Africa

India's contribution to the Africa Digital Financial Inclusion Facility affirms its commitment to help break down barriers to the growth and uptake of digital financial solutions and accelerate financial inclusion in Africa.

FinDev Interview

Why We Need a Responsible Digital Finance Ecosystem

Eric Duflos of CGAP discusses recent findings on consumer risks and how to address them.

FinDev Guide

Guide to Financial Consumer Protection in the Digital Era

Consumer risks are increasing with the growth of digital finance. The resources in this FinDev Guide share good practices, solutions and tools to ensure that consumers achieve positive outcomes in their financial journey.  

Case Study

Entry Points for Targeted Digital Finance Services for Smallholder Farmers in the Democratic Republic Of Congo

The goal of this case study is to provide inspiration for program designers, implementers and others who want to understand some of the challenges and entry points for increasing rural finance via digital technologies and/or the digital landscape in DRC.


Assessing Digital and Financial Literacy in Fiji: A Survey on Knowledge, Skills and Access

This study explores experiences with traditional and digital financial services to-date to serve as a baseline from which future changes in competencies, access, and usage can be measured by regulators and development partners.


Making Digital Public Infrastructure Work for Women

This policy brief offers recommendations that leverage digital public infrastructure to enable and advance women’s economic empowerment through financial inclusion.

Slide Deck

Pathways Through Platform Livelihoods in Indonesia

This pathways study aims to understand digital platforms as a livelihood source, capturing and contrasting the self-reported state of participants before, during, and after engaging on platforms.