Displaying 691 - 700 of 961

Digital Finance Interoperability & Financial Inclusion: A 20-Country Scan

Assessing the state of interoperable payment systems in select markets around the world

The Long-Run Poverty and Gender Impacts of Mobile Money

Assessment of M-PESA's role in the economic lives of Kenyans
FinDev Guide

Gateway Guide to Digital Finance

FinDev Interview

Can Digital Financial Services Turbocharge Financial Inclusion?

Graham Wright talks digital finance with the Gateway, in preparation for European Microfinance Week

Case Study

Can E-transfers Promote Financial Inclusion in Emergencies: A Case Study from Ethiopia

Looking at the use of mobile money among cash transfer recipients

Digital Rails: How Providers Can Unlock Innovation in DFS Ecosystems Through Open APIs

Opening up digital payment platforms for the development of a diverse range of products

Small Merchants, Big Opportunity: The Forgotten Path to Financial Inclusion

Realizing the potential of cashless and digital payments for micro and small merchants

The FinTech Index: Assessing Digital and Financial Inclusion in Developing and Emerging Countries

Measuring a country's demand for FinTech, supportive environment, and risks
Guide / Toolkit

How to Succeed in Your Digital Journey: A Series of Toolkits for Financial Services Providers

Introductory briefing note to help financial institutions choose a digital finance business model