Guide / Toolkit

How to Succeed in Your Digital Journey: A Series of Toolkits for Financial Services Providers - Toolkit #1: Use Mobile as a Tool

Guidance for financial institutions interested in using mobile as a service performed by staff

This toolkit is the first in a series of six practical toolkits aimed at supporting financial service providers (FSPs) eager to make headway towards digital finance yet uncertain how to go about it. With this series of digital finance toolkits, a financial institution will be able to choose the best business model based on an assessment of its environment (political, economic, social, technological, and regulatory), its objectives, capacity and readiness to carry out the efforts required.

Toolkit #1 describes the first of six business models an FSP can choose from: "Using Mobile as a Tool." This model involves:

  • Using mobile devices (POS, phones, tablets) as tools to facilitate daily operations;
  • Providing new services through mobile devices (eg: savings collection); and
  • Using mobile agencies (mobile branches, netbooks) instead of physical branches.

Toolkit #1 consists of two documents:

  1. Part 1: Description of the Business Model. Includes a case study of Musoni Kenya which illustrates how to successfully implement this model.
  2. Part 2: Case Study. Describes the case of three MicroLead partner institutions: Sinapi Aba Savings & Loans in Ghana, Buusaa Gonofaa Microfinance in Ethiopia and CPEC in Benin.