Displaying 711 - 720 of 961
Guide / Toolkit

Digital Financial Services and Risk Management Handbook

Comprehensive guide to the risks associated with implementation of digital financial services
FinDev Blog

Gateway Blogosphere Round-up: M-Pesa’s Success and Limitations

Catching up with the latest blogs and resources on the telecom-led mobile money model


Agent Network Accelerator Survey: Bangladesh 2016

Research focusing on operational determinants of success in agent network management

The 2016 Brookings Financial and Digital Inclusion Project Report: Advancing Equitable Financial Ecosystems

Access to and usage of financial services among underserved populations in 26 countries

OTC: A Digital Stepping Stone or a Dead End Path?

Looking at the pros and cons of the over-the-counter model in mobile money account adoption

Hearthholds of Mobile Money in Western Kenya

The role of women in mobile money networks
Guide / Toolkit

An Introduction to Digital Credit: Resources to Plan a Deployment

A self-directed course for practitioners, regulators and others with an interest in digital credit

A Quantum Leap Over High Hurdles to Financial Inclusion: The Mobile Banking Revolution in Kenya

Examining the real impact of technological and business model innovations on poverty reduction
Case Study

Saving Money, Saving Lives

This case study shares key lessons from Sierra Leone’s experience using digital payments to help combat the Ebola crisis and highlights the need for governments to take early action, in partnership with the humanitarian and development community and the private sector.


Are Mobile Money Wallets Really Customer-Centric?

Findings from a survey of customer experiences in rural and urban India