Displaying 641 - 650 of 910

Market Research for Financial Education (Working Paper #2)

How does market research help in defining the goals of financial education?
Case Study

Does Low Population Density Restrain Microfinance Development? The Case of Niger

This paper investigates the impact of low population density on MFIs in Niger

Membership in Bangladeshi MFIs: Growing, Volatile, and Multiple

Is multiple membership cause or effect of MFI growth?

How Can MFIs Best Work in Competitive and Saturated Markets?

How can an MFI improve its performance in a competitive and saturated market?
Guide / Toolkit

How-to Guide: Introducing Individual Lending

A guide to assist microfinance institutions introduce individual lending

Microfinance through the Next Decade: Visioning the Who, What, Where, When and How

What are the key change agents and challenges for the microfinance industry over the next ten years?
Case Study

The Market for Microinsurance in Ukraine: Low Income Household Needs and Market Development Projections

Projecting the development of microinsurance in Ukraine: – A study

Credit Demand and Supply Study of Malawi's Tea Sector: Deepening Malawi's Microfinance Sector Project

Addressing the credit gaps and financial needs of tea growers in Malawi

Costs and Benefits of Market Research and Pilot Testing for New Product Development in Microfinance

Exploring the benefits of market research and pilot testing in product development

European Dialogue, No. 36

This special issue of European Dialogue explores the role of research in microfinance.