Displaying 621 - 630 of 910
Case Study

Client Satisfaction In Microfinance Program

Satisfying clients – A study of microfinance institution’s experiences

Guidelines for Market Research on the Demand for Microinsurance

Role of qualitative market research in developing appropriate microinsurance products
Case Study

Poverty Tools Testing: The Latest Chapter - Tanzania

Practicality test of USAID's Poverty Assessment Tools reveals unique challenges at client level
Guide / Toolkit

Microenterprise Standards and Guide

What documents or processes are required to comply with a given standard?

The Road to Client Assessment: Travel Tips

A roadmap for client assessment and illustrates how the process works in practice

First Look: Poverty Tools Practicality

Challenges and lessons learned in testing the practicality of poverty tools

Listening to Clients: How to Better Serve Your Customers

How can MFIs use market research tools to better understand their clients?
Guide / Toolkit

Attracting the Unbanked: Preliminary Guidelines for Maximizing Existing Infrastructure through Serving Untapped Markets

Guidelines for MFIs to identify unbanked clients and develop strategies to improve outreach

Evaluating Microfinance Program Innovation with Randomized Control Trials: An Example from Group Versus Individual Lending

The role of randomized trials to test the effectiveness of new lending product

Market Research for Financial Education (Working Paper #2)

How does market research help in defining the goals of financial education?