Displaying 631 - 640 of 910

Improving and Monitoring Customer Retention

Presenting a framework to improve client retention and monitor causes of desertion

The Demand for Microinsurance in Pakistan

Findings and recommendations for the microinsurance product development process

Uses and Users of MFI Loans in Bangladesh

Diversity in MFI loan usage in Bangladesh

Do Microfinance Institutions Really Need to Worry About Their Brand?

This paper reviews corporate branding principles and how they can be used for brand development
Case Study

How Client Assessment is Making a Difference at CRECER

This SEEP Network case study highlights four key lessons learned from the client assessment program
Case Study

ALMAO and YASIRU, Sri Lanka

Lessons learnt in providing microinsurance schemes targeting the rural poor

Feedback Loop Analysis: Key Lessons in the Financial Service

Can feedback loops make the MFI understand and serve its clients better?

Listening to Clients: How to Better Serve Your Customers

How can MFIs use market research tools to better understand their clients?
Guide / Toolkit

Attracting the Unbanked: Preliminary Guidelines for Maximizing Existing Infrastructure through Serving Untapped Markets

Guidelines for MFIs to identify unbanked clients and develop strategies to improve outreach

Evaluating Microfinance Program Innovation with Randomized Control Trials: An Example from Group Versus Individual Lending

The role of randomized trials to test the effectiveness of new lending product