All Publications

Showing 5771 - 5780 of 9051

Microfinance Impact and the MDGs: The Challenge of Scaling-up

How can microfinance avoid the mission drift that is possible due to scaling-up?

Microfinance Impact: Bias from Dropouts

Examining potential source of bias in cross-sectional impact assessment

Microfinance in Africa: Rethinking the Role of the Actors

Is microfinance the right tool to unlock the potential of the poor in Africa?

Microfinance in Algeria - Opportunities and Challenges (Final Report)

An overview of the Algerian financial sector and opportunities for microfinance development

Microfinance in India – A State of the Sector Report, 2006

The latest developments, issues, recommendations and achievements of the Indian microfinance sector

Microfinance in India: Current Trends and Challenges

Providing an overview of the supply, demand and potential of the microfinance sector in India

Microfinance in Latin America and the Caribbean: How Large is the Market?

Financial services in Latin America and the Caribbean according to MFIs and household surveys
Case Study

Microfinance in Mozambique: Achievements, Prospects & Challenges

Overview of the microfinance development in Mozambique in the last ten years

Microfinance in Uzbekistan: Current State and Future Prospects

Presenting recommendations for the establishment of microfinance in Uzbekistan
Case Study

Microfinance in Villafranca: Providing Income and Dignity for People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA), Tegulcigapa, Honduras

This paper reviews a program that connects people living with HIV with microfinance and job training