
Microfinance in Africa: Rethinking the Role of the Actors

Is microfinance the right tool to unlock the potential of the poor in Africa?
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This paper presents the trends in African Microfinance movement and the future course of action. The paper recommends:

  • Classifying MFIs by objectives to understand the trends.
  • Offering more diversified services and addressing diverse segments.
  • Realigning the roles of major actors to achieve the task of moving from a focus on outreach to sustainability?

Based on the new orientations aiming at enhancing access to the financial services, the author streamlines interventions at three levels - macro, meso and micro, and recommends the following interventions at various levels:

Macro level:

  • Development of regulatory and supervision framework,
  • Credit policies for more conducive environment and lesser government involvement,
  • Integration of microfinance into mainstream financial market,
  • Land reforms and property rights,
  • Markets liberalization and sector's analysis.

Meso level:

  • Partnership between banks and MFIs,
  • Capacity building and institutional strengthening,
  • Guarantee schemes,
  • Credit bureaux,
  • Capacity building and institutional strengthening.

Micro level:

  • Management best practice for increasing productivity,
  • Information technology,
  • Guarantee schemes to back up micro borrowing,
  • Strategic management, business planning and capital restructuring,
  • Product innovations,
  • Reporting and auditing for transparency.

About this Publication

By Graziosi, A.