All Publications

Showing 4771 - 4780 of 9056

Central Asia Benchmarking Report, 2006

This report tracks the development of microfinance institutions in the rapidly changing region

Chinese Microfinance Networks and Cooperation Patterns

Recommending networking practices for developing an inclusive microfinance sector

Community Managed Revolving Fund

Paper presented at the Microfinance Summit, February 14-16, 2008, Kathmandu, Nepal

CRA Ratings of Massachusetts Banks and Credit Unions in 2004

A listing and analysis of Community Reinvestment Act ratings of Massachusetts banks and credit

Developing Human Capital in Mexico

Challenges in developing skilled talent for the microfinance sector

Economic Strengthening for Vulnerable Children: Principles of Program Design & Technical Recommendations for Effective Field Interventions

Laying down programing beliefs and economic strengthening tools for developmental initiatives

Economic Strengthening for Vulnerable Children: Principles of Program Design & Technical Recommendations for Effective Field Interventions (Brief)

Overview of programming beliefs and economic strengthening tools for developmental initiatives

From Revolution to Evolution: Charting the Main Features of Microfinance 2.0

How innovation in public and private spheres are critical to the microfinance industry's growth
Case Study

Grameen Model: Problems and Prospects

Paper presented at the Microfinance Summit, February 14-16, 2008, Kathmandu, Nepal