
Economic Strengthening for Vulnerable Children: Principles of Program Design & Technical Recommendations for Effective Field Interventions (Brief)

Overview of programming beliefs and economic strengthening tools for developmental initiatives
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This paper highlights the importance of economic strengthening for vulnerable children (ES-VC) and illustrates best practices in this area such that donors and practitioners from different disciplines can easily understand it. The paper puts together a list of core principles for ES-VC program design and implementation based on field work from Kenya and Uganda as well as inputs from a technical guidance committee. These principles include:

  • Take a multi-sectoral approach and ensure open dialogue throughout the program;
  • Base program design on sound market analysis;
  • Weigh the benefits and risks of targeting;
  • Identify best practices in ES and adapt them to specific vulnerabilities of children and households;
  • Build effective partnerships;
  • Develop interventions for scale-ability and sustainability;
  • Identify robust indicators to track performance and outcomes.

Finally, the paper illustrates 10 most popular economic strengthening tools to reduce child vulnerability. Examples are categorized under three objectives: social assistance, asset growth and protection, and income growth.

About this Publication

By James-Wilson, D., Torres, V., van Bastelaer, T., Yamba, B., Parrott, L., Brand, M., Fowler, B.