All Publications

Showing 2771 - 2780 of 9043

Hybrid Value Chains in Financial Services: Has the Time Finally Come for a New Contract between Banks and Social Enterprises to Address Financial Inclusion?

Discussing ideas and suitability of including social enterprises in the business of banking

Impact Investments in India

Examining the market of impact investment in India

Indonesia Market Assessment for Agricultural Value-Chain Payments via Mobile Technology

Analyzing the Indonesian agriculture market & providing mobile value-chain payment recommendations
Case Study

Innovation at the Heart of Health Microinsurance Schemes in Africa

Defining the key success factors in providing access to healthcare for the most deprived

Lessons from WING Cambodia

Demonstrating benefits and limitations of the mobile money market

Leveraging Health Microinsurance to Promote Universal Health Coverage

Outlining the roles of private actors in the expansion of universal health coverage

Market-Driven Youth Programs and the Bottom Line

Income generating activities & the financial sustainability of youth-workforce development programs

Measuring Financial Inclusion: Explaining Variation in Use of Financial Services across and within Countries

Examining patterns of financial inclusion across country-and individual-level
Guide / Toolkit

Microfinance Institutions Performance Measurement: Introducing a New Performance Measurement Framework

Analyzing literature to understand shortcomings of existing performance measurement frameworks