
Hybrid Value Chains in Financial Services: Has the Time Finally Come for a New Contract between Banks and Social Enterprises to Address Financial Inclusion?

Discussing ideas and suitability of including social enterprises in the business of banking
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This paper examines the suitability of new partnerships between banks and social enterprises leading to a mutual growth. It states that despite their inherent capacity for innovation, banks still exhibit conservative policies towards partnering with social enterprises and this acts as a barrier for banks in modernizing their own value chains and reaching to the financially excluded.  The paper presents compelling rationales in support of collaboration, including:

  • Examples of market failure in financial services are abound, and social enterprises are finding solutions in areas where banks fear to tread;
  • Social Enterprises can make it easy for banks to be partners in social change through Hybrid Value Chains (HVCs);
  • HVCs are mechanisms for value identification and creation that go outside the traditional bank parameters and leverage the experience, insight, and proven delivery capabilities of social enterprises;
  • Connecting bank procurement and sourcing strategies to social enterprises and exploring new partnerships presents a huge opportunity to magnify their social impact;
  • Social enterprises can bring speed, innovation, trust, and integrity to help banks reinvent their business models and get ahead of the government and regulatory agendas.


About this Publication

By Gordon, N., Oldenburg, F., Parmaksizian, N.