All Publications

Showing 151 - 160 of 176

The 7 C's for Improving Technical Service Delivery to Microfinance Institutions

Guide to implementing a client-driven technical service delivery process

Information Technology as a Strategic Tool for Microfinance in Africa

How can information technology become a useful tool for microfinance in Africa?

Automated Forms Processing and Paper User Interfaces for Data Collection from Village Microfinance Groups

Two new methods to collect data: Are they feasible?

Billions in Motion: Latino Immigrants, Remittances and Banking

Will decrease in costs and familiarity with new banking techniques improve the Latino remittances?

Internet Diffusion and Electronic Commerce: Prospects for Developing Countries

Bridging the digital divide
Case Study

The Bolivian Experience of the Prodem Private Financial Fund S.A.

Technology facilitates the delivery of microfinance
Case Study

What Works: PRODEM FFP'S Multilingual Smart ATMs For Microfinance

Can innovative financial solutions service the people at the bottom of the pyramid?
Case Study

Computer Aided Processing in the MF-Industry: Loan Tracking: The Case of SUMS in South Africa

Has computerization for microfinance institutions come of age?
Case Study

Business Transactions for Smallholder Farmers and Entrepreneurs via DRUMNET

Surveys of Delivery Systems in Rural Finance