Case Study

Business Transactions for Smallholder Farmers and Entrepreneurs via DRUMNET

Surveys of Delivery Systems in Rural Finance

As information and communications technology (ICT) makes new forays in the field of microfinance, this document explores the operations of a financial and information services network (DRUMNET) initiated by PRIDE AFRICA. The network seeks to provide a package of value added services that address the grassroots needs of farmers, from financing to information, and from marketing to savings. All the information is sourced from one platform/ info-kiosk located in close proximity to farms and markets.

The document informs about the unique features of Drumnet:

  • Has wide outreach to dispersed rural clientele through cooperatives and informal self-help groups;
  • Provides improved access to new agricultural technology, financial and non-financial information to poor farmers;
  • Facilitates information flow between farmers and formal financial system, thereby supporting income-generation, business growth and diversification;
  • Helps in appraisal and recovery of loans and mobilizes savings linked with participating financial institutions.

The paper also provides information on:

  • Delivery technology and network mechanism;
  • Information and financial services offered by Drumnet;
  • Social impacts of Drumnet on the targeted population;
  • Sustainability issues of the Drumnet enterprise.

Finally, the document lays down the lessons learnt and the challenges present:

  • Necessity of a commercially sustainable information exchange to an economically diverse and geographically dispersed population;
  • Need of better financial and market information to help farmers earn better profits;
  • Improvement of key constraints such as low tele-density, collapsing infrastructure and high operational costs.

About this Publication

By Campaigne, J.