All Publications

Showing 201 - 210 of 220

Social Rating Overview of MFIs

The integration of social aspect into the financial and managerial operations of MFIs

Tracking Client Performance: Monitoring Systems for Social Performance Management

A cost effective way for MFIs to meet their social goals

Working with Formal Financial Institutions: Expanding Access and Achieving Social Performance

Rationale for governments, donors and social investors for working with the formal financial sector
Guide / Toolkit

Social Performance Assessment System Design, Development and Institutionalization

How can a Social Performance Assessment System help improve performance?

Using Social Performance Information for Internal Management and External Reporting

How can social performance be assessed and managed?

Assessing The Social Performance of Microfinance Using the QUIP: Findings from Huancayo, Chimbote and Cajamarca, Peru

How can microfinance practitioners monitor their contribution to poverty alleviation?

Progress Note: Practitioner Understanding of Social Return on Investment (SROI)

Applying social return on investment to microfinance

Cost-effective Social Performance Management: Meeting the Social and Financial Goals of Microfinance

Presenting a framework for assessing social performance