All Publications

Showing 131 - 140 of 819

Rural Youth Economic Empowerment Program 2013-2016: Findings from Five Youth-Inclusive Rural Finance Pilot Projects

Examining the successes and shortcomings of financial inclusion programs for rural youth
Guide / Toolkit

Guide to the Use of Digital Financial Services in Agriculture

Tool for identifying chronic value chain challenges and corresponding solutions

Smallholder Diaries: Building the Evidence Base with Farming Families in Mozambique, Tanzania, and Pakistan

How do small-scale agricultural producers manage their money?

Understanding Demand, Driving Innovation: Smallholder Households and Financial Services

Drawing on information from financial inclusion generally and smallholder finance specifically

Lessons from AgriFin Study Tour in Cambodia

Resource from the Agriculture Finance Support Facility (AgriFin)

Lessons from AgriFin Study Tour in India

Resource from the Agriculture Finance Support Facility (AgriFin)
Guide / Toolkit

Insights on Credit Risk and Agriculture Value Chain Finance: Promoting Rural Microfinance through Peer-to-Peer Learning

Tools to assist financial institutions in developing new, creative financing structures

Designing Digital Financial Services for Smallholder Families: Lessons from Zimbabwe, Senegal, Rwanda, and Cambodia

DFS can offer strong value proposition to meet the nonagricultural financial needs of smallholders

New Trends in Agricultural Finance

Summary of research studies on five key areas of agricultural finance innovation

Is It Possible to Finance Livestock in a Sustainable Manner in Nicaragua’s Agricultural Frontier?

Policy recommendations for the microfinance sector to address problems of extensive ranching