All Publications

Showing 391 - 400 of 451
Case Study

ASA's Culture, Competition and Choice: Introducing Savings Services into a MicroCredit Institution

Lessons on open access savings services during an microcredit's transformation into an MFI

Financial Education and Savings Outcomes in Individual Development Accounts

What effects do financial education have on the poor?
Case Study

Savings Mobilisation to Microfinance: A Historical Perspective on the Zimbabwe Savings Development Movement

Why did the Self-Help Development Foundation shift from savings mobilization to microcredit?

Developing Deposit Services for the Poor: Preliminary Guidance for Donors

Should you become involved in savings mobilisation?

Savings and Asset Accumulation in IDAs (ADD Report 2001)

Do Individual Development Accounts work?

Income, Institutions, and Saving Performance in Individual Development Accounts

Are income and savings correlated?

Introducing Savings into a MicroCredit Institution: Lessons from ASA

Do MFIS need more flexible systems and broader client base?
Case Study

Mali Poverty Outreach Study of the Kafo Jiginew and Nyesigiso Credit and Savings with Education Programs

Can a Credit and Savings with Education strategy work?

Mobilising Savings

What do MFIs need to remember before starting large scale savings mobilization?

Rural Finance: Savings Mobilization Potential and Deposit Instruments in Marginal Areas in Mexico

What are the key elements of successful rural savings mobilization in Mexico?