
Rural Finance: Savings Mobilization Potential and Deposit Instruments in Marginal Areas in Mexico

What are the key elements of successful rural savings mobilization in Mexico?

This paper discusses the role of financial markets and the potential of non-bank financial intermediaries in mobilizing savings in the rural areas of Mexico.

The paper:

  • Documents and analyzes the extent and modalities of savings (physical and financial) practiced by rural households and enterprises;
  • Identifies and analyzes the factors that limit the mobilization of rural savings;
  • Sets forth guidelines for pilot interventions aimed at expanding sustainable savings mobilization in rural areas.

It concludes that:

  • Successful rural savings mobilization needs to include a strong effort to complete and perfect the reform of the legal and regulatory framework for non-bank financial institutions;
  • Capacity building for financial intermediaries expanding into rural areas should consider piloting of innovative institutional arrangements and linkages.

About this Publication

By Cuevas, C.,, Campos, P.