All Publications

Showing 601 - 610 of 867

Improving and Monitoring Customer Retention

Presenting a framework to improve client retention and monitor causes of desertion

Lessons Learned in Improving Replicability of Successful Microcredit Programs - How Can the Best Models 'Travel' Better

What are the factors affecting the replication of group-based microcredit across regions?

Listening to Clients: How to Better Serve Your Customers

How can MFIs use market research tools to better understand their clients?

Market Research for Financial Education (Working Paper #2)

How does market research help in defining the goals of financial education?
Case Study

Market Research on Microinsurance Demand

The demand for microinsurance in Sri Lanka

Measuring Poverty at Microfinance Institutions: Lessons and Results from the ACCION Network

ACCION's experience with poverty assessment tools at four MFIs in Latin America and the Caribbean

Membership in Bangladeshi MFIs: Growing, Volatile, and Multiple

Is multiple membership cause or effect of MFI growth?

Microfinance in Africa: Rethinking the Role of the Actors

Is microfinance the right tool to unlock the potential of the poor in Africa?

Microfinance through the Next Decade: Visioning the Who, What, Where, When and How

What are the key change agents and challenges for the microfinance industry over the next ten years?