All Publications

Showing 301 - 310 of 867

Dialectic Evolution through the Social Innovation Process: from Microcredit to Microfinance

Discussing microfinance as a key factor to foster entrepreneurship

FESA Micro-Insurance: Crop Insurance Reaching Every Farmer in Africa

Investigating a new opportunity to develop, test, and implement a drought microinsurance approach

Financial Inclusion- Opportunities & Risks for Donors. Insights from a Five-Country Savings Project

Learning from the research and implementation of new approaches to financial inclusion
Case Study

Implementing a Participatory Model of Micro Health Insurance among Rural Poor with Evidence from Nepal

Providing guidelines to set up sustainable community-based health insurance schemes
Case Study

Inclusive Finance for Low Cost Private Schools in Pakistan: Serving a New Client Segment with Sector-specific Strategies

Supporting access to education by designing financial products for schools

Asset Building Through Credit Pilot

Presenting lessons learned from using a secured card as a credit-building tool

Credit Life Insurance in South Africa: The Customer’s Perspective

Evaluating the credit life insurance sector in South Africa

Flexible Products in Microfinance: Overcoming the Demand-Supply Mismatch

Explaining features and design of flexible financial products

Removing Obstacles to Access Microinsurance

Examining how microinsurance schemes can improve clients'’ access to products

Financial Capability in Mexico: Results from a National Survey on Financial Behaviors, Attitudes, and Knowledge

Evaluating financial capability in Mexico