All Publications

Showing 461 - 470 of 551
Case Study

Study on Microfinance and Social Mobilization for Women's Empowerment - A Case Study of DHAN Foundation

Can economic strength be the basis of social, political and psychological power in society?
Case Study

Vessel for Change and Growth: Microfinance for Women

Contributing to the national and global poverty alleviation efforts

We Were In Fire, Now We Are In Water: Micro-Credit and Gender Relations in Rural Bangladesh

The role of microcredit in empowering women

Women Entrepreneurs: Issues and Barriers - A Regional, National and International Perspective

Challenges and the need for networks to promote women entrepreneurs and foster business development

Efficiency and Gender Concerns: Issues Confronting the Philippine Credit Cooperatives

Analyzing the efficiency of the credit cooperative system in Philippines

The Impact of Micro Finance on Poverty and Gender Equity: Approaches and Evidence from Pakistan

Parameters for examining the impact of microfinance on poverty alleviation and gender equity

Women's Networks and Microcredit in Yunnan

Proceedings from the Nordic Association for China Studies conference, 2003, Oslo, Norway

Embedded Cooperation: Women's Thrift Cooperatives in Andra Pradesh

Relevance of economic sociological theories in microfinance
Case Study

Best Practices by Women's Bank of Sri Lanka

Spectacular progress: Women's Bank of Sri Lanka
Case Study

Case Study of FINCA Uganda

Roadmap to success: The FINCA experience in Uganda