
We Were In Fire, Now We Are In Water: Micro-Credit and Gender Relations in Rural Bangladesh

The role of microcredit in empowering women
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This document highlights the impact of microcredit lending activities on gender relations and women agency. The document deals with the following aspects of microcredit lending:

  • Methodology adopted in assessing the empowerment of women;
  • Transformation of domestic into commercial activities;
  • Loan utilization and the specific sectors in which loan is utilized;
  • The kind of productive assets acquired by the members of Savings and Credit Groups (SCGs) from the loans disbursed under these programs;
  • Impact of income generating activities on decision making powers of women;
  • Effectiveness of training in empowering women.

The document further provides some examples from the field to corroborate the effectiveness of microcredit lending. It also talks about interaction, mobility, dignity, and self esteem of women.

The document concludes by discussing the change in men's roles and attitude due to involvement of women in these activities.

About this Publication

By Kelkar, G., Nathan, D. , Jahan, R.