All Publications

Showing 181 - 190 of 551

Self-Help Group Members as Banking Agents for Deepening Financial Inclusion

This study shares insights from the rural financial institutions program and demonstrates how self help group members as banking agents or customer service points could deliver last mile banking services to the rural community in a cost-effective and sustainable manner.


Experiences in Gender-Sensitive Solutions to Collateral Constraints

How the use of non-conventional collateral can contribute to improved access to affordable credit

Gender and Financial Inclusion in Rwanda

The increase in financial inclusion among women in Rwanda is a great achievement, however, there is an opportunity to deepen the financial inclusion of women to pair or even go beyond that of their male counterparts.


Gender-Diverse Agent Networks Foster Channel Activity and Financial Inclusion for Women

This study shares insights from gender-lensed data analytics in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


The Mobile Gender Gap Report 2020

Findings based on surveys in 15 low- and middle-income countries

S-Commerce Landscape - Bangladesh

Investigating the gender gap in digital financial services in Bangladesh

Curiosity Collective: Evidence of Social Changes for Women in Savings Groups

Impact of VSLAs on women, their families and communities


PoWER Assessment of Women’s Economic Empowerment in The Gambia

This document presents the final analysis of data collected through desk research, interviews, focus group discussions, and surveys on women and girls’ financial inclusion in The Gambia.