All Publications
Showing 8811 - 8820 of 9072
Kenya: The Co-operative Societies Rules, 2004
This document lists the rules for Co-operative Societies in Kenya
Leasing to Support Small Businesses and Microenterprises
Can leasing improve microenterprises' and small businesses' access to medium term capital finance?
Micro-Credit Benefits the Client: Evidence from Control Group Studies
Microenterprise programs: positive effects
Microentreprise Development: Not By Credit Alone
How can the projects of Asian Development Bank been more effective?
Microfinance in Indonesia: An Assessment of Microfinance Institutions Banking with the Poor
What are the implications of group technologies?
Microfinance in Rural Lao PDR: A National Profile
A comprehensive survey of lending, borrowing, savings and the linked institutional activity
Microfinance in the Philippines: Assessment of Viability, Sustainability and Outreach Among Grameen Replicators
Are Grameen replicators successful in the Philippines?
Microfinance Institutions in India (Concept Paper)
Can microfinance bridge the divide between the formal financial institutions and the poor?
Money Matters: Reaching Women Microentrepreneurs With Financial Services
This study hopes to contribute to designing better responses to women microentrepreneurs' demand by helping to create more efficient and viable institutions providing them with useful financial services into the twenty-first century and beyond.
Moneylenders and Bankers: Price-increasing Subsidies in a Monopolistically Competitive Market
How do subsidies affect lending in rural credit markets?