All Publications

Showing 301 - 310 of 877
Guide / Toolkit

Conducting Client Protection Assessments: A Guide

Evaluating MFIs' implementation of client protection principles

Getting to the Top of Mind: How Reminders Increase Saving

Using reminders to encourage clients to save for future expenditure

Growth and Vulnerabilities in Microfinance

Exploring reasons for credit delinquency crises
Case Study

Rethinking Client "Graduation"

Examining client retention strategy of a MFI

Do Multiple Financial Services Enhance the Poverty Outreach of Microfinance Institutions?

Enhancing MFIs’ outreach through product diversification

Facilitating Financial Linkages for Smallholder Producers in Nicaragua

Linking borrowers and lenders through external intermediaries

Financial Inclusion and Consumer Protection in Peru

Examining consumer protection issues related to branchless banking in Peru

Latin America and Caribbean 2009: Microfinance Analysis & Benchmarking Report

Analyzing financial performance and funding structure of MFIs

Managing Social Performance: CRECER (Bolivia)

Highlighting the importance of social mission