
Managing Social Performance: CRECER (Bolivia)

Highlighting the importance of social mission
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This report assesses the social performance management (SPM) of Crédito Con Educación Rural (CRECER), Bolivia.

CRECER is a Bolivian NGO that works with women in poor and vulnerable communities in rural and peri-urban zones, providing them with integrated financial and development services. CRECER works with a village bank methodology, facilitating savings and offering three different types of loans to clients. The report states that CRECER has a strong SPM strategy that includes:

  • Focusing on social development of poor women in rural areas;
  • Using routine monitoring and follow-up research to track and understand performance, outreach and sustainability;
  • Meeting clients’ needs through integrated services;
  • Engendering responsible and sustainable social entrepreneurship;
  • Empowering clients and their families;
  • Integrating financial services and education;
  • Developing strategic linkages with a large number of local service providers to create synergies between client needs and service provision;
  • Focusing on social and financial performance and a double bottom line approach.

The report identifies a number of issues that CRECER must tackle, going forward. It recommends that CRECER should improve client targeting, measuring outreach, systems alignment and its attitude to change.

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