All Publications

Showing 1721 - 1730 of 2060

A Comparative Study of Fertilizer Credit in Bangladesh

Agribusiness: Vendor Financing in Input Markets

A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh

Are subsidies for Grameen well spent?

An Inventory of Micro-Insurance Schemes in Nepal

An inventory of twenty one existing and four planned micro-insurance schemes in Nepal

Application of Microfinance and Micro Insurance for Disaster Risk Management

Convergence of micro mitigation, micro credit and micro insurance to transfer risk
Case Study

ASA Experience

The rise of ASA: A field level perspective from Bangladesh

Banking Policies Overview

Guidelines for effective monetary management in Nepal
Case Study

Best Practices by Women's Bank of Sri Lanka

Spectacular progress: Women's Bank of Sri Lanka
Case Study

Case Study Bangladesh: Financial Linkages in Bangladesh

What are the advantages of credit linkages to banks and microfinance institutions?