All Publications

Showing 511 - 520 of 7208

Survey Report on Alternative Finance for MSMEs

Reflecting on the vital role of MSMEs in emerging economies


Sustainable Recovery Options for Mongolia’s Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises

How was the sector affected by the crises brought about by the pandemic and how can it recover?


The Gig Economy and Financial Health: A Snapshot of Malaysia and China

This study explores the landscape of the gig economy in Malaysia and China, focusing on the financial concerns and well-being of gig workers. 


Time to Guarantee E-Money Users’ Funds

Coordinating deposit guarantee coverage with trust in e-money and payment services activities


Asia Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Monitor 2020 – Volume II

COVID-19 impact on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in developing Asia


Benchmarks on Digitalisation

What digital products & channels are financial institutions offering?

Climate Risk Insurance in the Caribbean

This publication details lessons from the CRAIC project and Livelihood Protection Policy, spanning across four different themes: managing expectations, product design, market development and engagement for sustainability.


COVID-19 and Refugees’ Economic Opportunities, Financial Services and Digital Inclusion

Addressing structural and practical barriers to refugees’ financial and economic inclusion


Empowering MSMEs

Creating a better banking experience for women-led micro, small, and medium enterprises in Kenya