All Publications
Showing 4421 - 4430 of 7228
Microfinance Policy and Strategy for the Bank Group
Guiding financial inclusion in Africa
Microfinance: Building Financial Systems that Serve the Rural Poor
How can social funds build sustainable financial institutions serving the poor?
Microfinance: Employers' Guide
Facilitating access to finance
Poverty and Social Impact Assessment: Pakistan Microfinance Policy - Final Report
Assessment of Pakistan's microfinance sector
Poverty Targeting in Public Programs - A Comparison of Some Nonparametric Tests and their Application to Indian Microfinance
Do poverty alleviation programs neglect the bottom tail of a distribution?
Reaching the Potential of Microfinance for Economic Growth, Social Inclusion and Regional Development through a Coherent European Funding Policy
Roadmap for scaling up microfinance in Europe
Savings for Risk Mitigation and Crisis Recovery
Promoting savings products to help the poor cope with crises
Summary of Roundtable on Microfinance and the Environment: Setting the Research and Policy Agenda
Proceedings from the roundtable "Microfinance and the Environment: Setting the Research and Policy"
Summary of the Poverty and Social Impact Assessment: Pakistan Microfinance Policy - Briefing Note
Is Pakistan's microfinance sector ready to scale up?
Supporting Community-managed Loan Funds
What are community-managed loan funds, and how can donors address the challenges of supporting them?