
Microfinance: Building Financial Systems that Serve the Rural Poor

How can social funds build sustainable financial institutions serving the poor?
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This presentation emphasizes the importance of financial services for the poor. It discusses the following:

  • Why are financial services important for the poor?
  • Why is sustainable microfinance important for Social Fund (SF)/ Community Driven Development (CDD) projects?
  • Why is sustainable microfinance hard to achieve?
  • How can SF/CDD projects build sustainable institutions serving the poor?
    • Strategy 1: Banks and/or MFIs reaching down to provide services directly to individuals or groups in low-income communities;
    • Strategy 2: Community savings-based financial organizations linking up to banks so their members can receive additional services.

The presentation states:

  • The reasons and circumstances for choosing banks and/or MFIs reaching down approach or community savings-based organizations linking up;
  • The pros and cons of 'reaching down' versus 'linking up';
  • Some common parameters to keep in mind while choosing any of the two approaches.

The presentation concludes with the following remarks:

  • Financial services improve ability of households to manage risks and build economic security;
  • Poor people need these services over the long-term;
  • Formal financial services are preferable, but community groups can be a viable alternative if savings-based.

About this Publication

By Ritchie, A.