All Publications

Showing 101 - 110 of 143

An Inventory of Micro-Insurance Schemes in Nepal

An inventory of twenty one existing and four planned micro-insurance schemes in Nepal

Banking Policies Overview

Guidelines for effective monetary management in Nepal

Microfinance and Poverty Reduction in Asia: What is the Evidence?

Do MFIs really reach the 'core poor'?

Reforming an Agricultural Development Bank

How did the Agricultural Development Bank of Nepal handle its financial crisis?
Case Study

Serving Small Rural Depositors: Proximity, Innovations and Trade-offs

What ingredients make a sustainable microfinance organization?
Case Study

The Challenge of Sustainable Outreach: How can Public Banks Contribute to Outreach in Rural Areas? Five Case Studies from Asia

Evaluating the challenges in outreach faced by rural finance practitioners

The Prevention of Debt Bondage with Microfinance-led Services

How can microfinance prevent bonded labor?

Nepal Financial Sector Study

Can microfinance play a role in the development of the financial sector in Nepal?

A Symposium on Savings-Led Microfinance and the Rural Poor

How to Increase the outreach of microfinance programs?