All Publications

Showing 451 - 460 of 1017

Who Says You Can't Do Microsavings in India? Part 2: "Conventional Finance"

Encouraging the formal sector to provide microsavings

Who Says You Can't Do Microsavings in India? Part 3: So Where to Go from Here?

Designing and delivering savings products to clients

Who Says You Can't Do Microsavings in India? Part 4: Practical Next Steps

Exploring ways to provide inclusive savings services
Case Study

Costs of Health Education and Health Product Distribution: Bandhan's Experience in India

Analyzing costs and revenues associated with provision of health services

Group Lending Scheme Operating through Primary Agricultural Credit Society: A Critical Assessment

Assessing effectiveness of group lending-based microfinance program

Health and Microfinance: Leveraging the Strengths of Two Sectors to Alleviate Poverty

Should MFIs provide health related services in addition to financial services?

Portfolios of the Poor: Three-Country Analysis

Capturing the complexity of people’s lives

Results from Trickle Up Client Monitoring System: January through December 2009

Uplifting extremely poor households to a higher socioeconomic level

The Business Case for Adding Health Protection to Microfinance

What are the benefits to MFIs of offering health protection products?