All Publications

Showing 451 - 460 of 1014
Case Study

Costs of Health Education and Health Product Distribution: Bandhan's Experience in India

Analyzing costs and revenues associated with provision of health services

Group Lending Scheme Operating through Primary Agricultural Credit Society: A Critical Assessment

Assessing effectiveness of group lending-based microfinance program

Health and Microfinance: Leveraging the Strengths of Two Sectors to Alleviate Poverty

Should MFIs provide health related services in addition to financial services?

Portfolios of the Poor: Three-Country Analysis

Capturing the complexity of people’s lives

Results from Trickle Up Client Monitoring System: January through December 2009

Uplifting extremely poor households to a higher socioeconomic level

The Business Case for Adding Health Protection to Microfinance

What are the benefits to MFIs of offering health protection products?

The Rising Threat of Microfinance Defaults

Minimizing microfinance loan defaults

Creating Better Portfolios: Core Financial Products for the Poor

Introducing effective financial tools through innovative means

How do the Poor Deal with Risk?

Describing formal and informal risk management tools of poor households