All Publications

Showing 281 - 290 of 1017

A Study of SHG Federation Structures in India: Core Elements for Achieving Sustainability

Using cooperative principles to help SHG institutions achieve sustainability

From Social Banking to Financial Inclusion: Understanding the Potential for Financial Services Innovation in India

Innovations in savings for low-income households in India

Is the Business Correspondent Model in Policy Paralysis?

How does the recent policy shift for the business correspondent model in India affect consumers?

E/M-Banking in India: State of the Agent Network

Presenting good practices and concerns of E/M banking agents in India

Public Relations Policy in MFIs: A "Nice To Have" or Necessity?

Why should MFIs have public relations policies?

Responsible & Viable Microlending Needs "Smart" Regulation: Some Suggestions from EDA & M-CRIL

Examining issues from RBI's microfinance policy announcements

Trickle Up ULTRA POOR PROGRAMME Qualitative Assessment of Sustainability of Programme Outcomes

Qualitative Assessment of Trickle Up's Ultra Poor Program

Developing a Tool to Assess Client Protection

Highlighting the importance of client feedback to improve MFI service

Disclosure Practices in Banking Sector of India: A Comparative Study

Highlighting the importance of disclosure practices of commercial banks

How to Make Optimum Use of Agent Networks (1/2)

Improving viability of business correspondent agents in India