All Publications

Showing 201 - 210 of 389

Harnessing Remittances for Economic Development of Bangladesh

Creating an enabling environment to boost flow of remittances

Poverty Scorecards for Bangladesh, Haiti, India, Mexico, Pakistan, and the Philippines

Summary of Grameen Foundation's work with poverty scorecards in six countries

Competition and Microcredit Interest Rates

How does competition affect interest rates for microfinance borrowers?

Bangladesh Bank Circular: Loan Classification and Provisioning

Bangladesh Bank governance on loan classification & provisioning requirements for scheduled banks

Bangladesh Microfinance Country Profile

Overview of microfinance sector in Bangladesh

Bangladesh: Microcredit Regulatory Authority Act, 2006

Act governing the regulatory authority of microcredit programs in Bangladesh
Case Study

Grameen II's Membership

What are the reasons for rapid growth of Grameen II's membership?

Lessons Learned in Improving Replicability of Successful Microcredit Programs - How Can the Best Models 'Travel' Better

What are the factors affecting the replication of group-based microcredit across regions?

Membership in Bangladeshi MFIs: Growing, Volatile, and Multiple

Is multiple membership cause or effect of MFI growth?

Microfinance and Female Empowerment

Empowering women through the adoption of high productivity informal activities