
Bangladesh Bank Circular: Loan Classification and Provisioning

Bangladesh Bank governance on loan classification & provisioning requirements for scheduled banks
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This Master Circular No. 05 issued in June, 2006 aims to:

  • Strengthen banks' credit discipline and improve the recovery position of loans and advances by the banks by introducing several circulars that cover:
    • Loan classification,
    • Suspension of interest due,
    • Making of provisions against potential loan loss;
  • Bring classification and provisioning regulation in line with international standards by undertaking a phase-wise program for loan classification and provisioning;
  • Enable banks to have all existing information on the subject in one place by incorporating all instructions issued from time to time.

The circular:

  • Classifies loans into four types: continuous, demand, fixed term and short-term agricultural and microcredit;
  • Describes the accounting of the interest of classified loans and their classification into "doubtful," "sub-standard," "interest suspense accounts," etc;
  • Sets out the rules governing maintenance of provision.

It also describes the following basis for loan classification:

  • Objective criteria such as: past due/overdue, unclassified loans, "Special Mention Accounts," default instalments, etc.
  • Qualitative judgements that take over when quantitative judgements cannot be used. This occurs if:
    • Doubt arises with respect to recovery of a loan;
    • There are situational changes in the stipulations of the terms of a loan;
    • Norms of re-scheduling are violated.

The circular also sets out rules for:

  • Basis for provision;
  • Eligible securities and the determination of their market value.

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