All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 353
Case Study

A Case Study on Connecting With Low-income Customers Through Digitalisation

This case study draws upon management consulting literature to assess digitalization strategies and evaluates three leading financial organizations in Morocco, Kenya and Ghana against this framework.


Microfinance Clients Facing the COVID-19 Crisis: From Findings to Action for MFIs

This publication presents the main results of MFI client surveys in seven countries (Bhutan, Myanmar, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, Cape Verde and El Salvador), as well as the concrete measures taken by MFIs to meet the needs expressed by their clients.


FinAccess MSE COVID-19 Tracker

This survey provides data on how micro firms in Kenya have responded to and coped during the COVID-19 pandemic.


State of the Economy: Focus on Digitisation and the Impact of COVID-19 on MSEs

In Kenya, the trend of divergent impact continues, with macroeconomic resilience masking sustained inequalities and divergence in recovery.


Surviving 2020: Lessons on Resilience from Kenya’s Covid Diaries


Women’s Financial Inclusion Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to aid the design and implementation of women's financial inclusion and empowerment programs.


Social Media Usage by Digital Finance Consumers

This project analysis provides insights into the types of consumer protection issues faced by consumers across financial providers in Kenya, Nigeria, and Uganda.

Guide / Toolkit

Risk Sharing Facilities: Mobilizing Finance for Women-Led MSMEs

Toolkit for policymakers, regulators, supervisors involved in the formulation and implementation of policy and regulation that advance access to finance for women-led MSMEs


Agent Network Journeys Toward the Last Mile: A Cross-Country Perspective December 2020

This Focus Note reveals three distinct journeys country stakeholders have taken to extend the reach and quality of rural agent networks in China, Colombia, India, Indonesia, and Kenya.

Slide Deck

Agent Network Journeys: Country Deep Dives

Detailed country case studies on the agent network journey