All Publications

Showing 171 - 180 of 222
Case Study

Utilization of Microcredit by the Female Community: A Case Study of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (Pakistan)

A study of the contribution of a rural credit program to women's empowerment

A Study of Informal Finance Markets in Pakistan

Highlighting the importance of informal finance markets for the microfinance sector

Emerging Issues for National Microfinance Associations

What functions are national associations suited for?

Can Private Sector Commercial Banks Play a Significant Role in Microfinance

Challenges and lessons learnt to catalyze the growth of commercial MFIs

Commercial Microfinance in South Asia: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka

How can South Asian countries learn about the benefits of the commercialization of microfinance?
Case Study

Factors of Success: A Comparative Study of Kashf Foundation and Grameen Bank

What are the key features that can make microfinance a success?

Pakistan Microfinance Country Profile

Microfinance in Pakistan: How has regulation played a facilitating role?
Case Study

Serving the Poorest of the Poor: The Poverty Impact of the Khushhali Bank's Microfinance Lending in Pakistan

Can a 'profit-focused' bank reach the poorest of the poor?
Case Study

Microfinance-led Strategies to Eliminate Bonded Labor

Highlighting design issues for appropriate financial services to the poor

Credit Makes Good Business Sense for Poor Women

Is investing in poor women an effective strategy against poverty?