
Emerging Issues for National Microfinance Associations

What functions are national associations suited for?
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This document presents the roles that national microfinance associations are playing in individual countries and the future scope for these associations. The document discusses the following:

  • National microfinance associations;
  • Various activities pursued by these associations;
  • General issues and core characteristics shared by these associations across the countries;
  • Members associated with these associations;
  • Difference between member controlled associations and an association governed by a central body.

The document elucidates the new roles of these associations such as:

  • Advocates: by taking a more responsible role in dealing with various financial sector bodies ranging from financial institutions to government bodies of the associated countries;
  • Standard setters: by adopting and promoting the best management practices of the sector and the codes of conducts, which results in higher financial transparency;
  • Service providers: by actually providing a range of fee based services to its own members as well as to non members - the services can range from training to providing different kinds information. This can act as a capacity building measure for the respective institution;
  • Funding agencies: by performing the role of financial intermediation in channeling the funds from government or a large financial institution to member or non member MFI.

About this Publication

By Chen, G., Rasmussen, S.