All Publications

Showing 31 - 40 of 52

Reaching Rural Areas with Financial Services: Lessons from Financial Cooperatives in Brazil, Burkina Faso, Kenya, and Sri Lanka

Insights from successful financial cooperative networks

Livelihoods, Migration and Remittance Flows in Times of Crisis and Conflict: Case Studies for Darfur, Sudan

Examining impact of conflict on migration and remittances
Case Study

Focus on Film: In Awa's Words – West Africa

Reminding microfinance practitioners of challenges faced by microentrepreneurs

A Vision for the Development and Expansion of the Microfinance Sector in Sudan

Placing microfinance in Sudan within the wider framework for poverty alleviation

A Survey of Microenterprise in Urban French West Africa

Identifying key factors shaping the microenterprise sector in West Africa

Microcredit Through Bai-Muajjal Mode of Islamic Banking Financing

Comparing the 'Bai-Muajjal' mode of Islamic financing with conventional financing
Case Study

Case Study of Farmers' Commercial Bank

Prospering in tough conditions: Farmers' Commercial Bank of Sudan

Improving Design and Performance of Group Lending: Suggestions from Burkina Faso

What steps should MFIs take to expand outreach at the least cost?

Micro-insurance in Burkina Faso

What are the conditions for the growth of microinsurance in developing countries?