All Publications

Showing 1271 - 1280 of 1780
Case Study

Financing Microfinance: the ICICI Bank Partnership Model

Analyzing the partnership model of financing MFIs

Innovative Approaches to Poverty Reduction: Experiences in India and Indonesia

Have innovative approaches to poverty reduction successfully demonstrated their impact?
Case Study

Micro Finance and Empowerment of Scheduled Caste Women: An Impact Study of SHGs in Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal

How do scheduled caste women benefit from SHG membership?

Microfinance in the Wake of a Tsunami: Sri Lanka

Looking at REVIVE, a project to help the tsunami-affected Sri Lanka

National Policy Conference: January 2005

Proceedings from the National Policy Conference, 'Financial Services Accessibility and the Poor'

Repay As You Earn

What is the relationship between transaction costs, savings and repayment of loans?
Case Study

Social and Economic Impacts of PRADAN's Self Help Group Microfinance and Livelihoods Promotion Program: Analysis from Jharkhand, India

Has PRADAN's self help group - bank linkage model had a positive impact on clients' lives?

Survey Report of Microfinance Institutions Affected by Tsunami

The present state of 41 MFIs in 9 districts struck by the tsunami in Sri Lanka

The Future of the Commercial Microfinance Industry in Asia

Microfinance industry in the Asian markets
Case Study

The Wider Social Impacts of BRAC's Group-based Lending in Rural Bangladesh: Group Dynamics and Participation in Public Life

Impact of BRAC's microfinance beyond the household domain