All Publications

Showing 321 - 330 of 576

Cash Grants and Microfinance in Livelihood Recovery: Experiences from Tsunami-Affected Areas of Sri Lanka

Recommending best practices for microenterprise recovery programs

Identifying Complementary Programs to Maximize the Impact of Microcredit

How MFIs can partner with non-credit service providers to have a significant impact on poverty?

The Varying Economic Impact of Village Banking

Assessing impact of village banking

Financial Development and Inequality: Brazil 1985-99

What was the impact of financial development on earnings inequality in Brazil?
Guide / Toolkit

A Methodology for Assessment of the Impact of Microfinance on Empowerment and Vulnerability

Proposing a framework to understand the impact of microfinance

A Promise to Pay the Bearer: An Exploration of the Potential for Urban Microfinance in India

Analyzes microfinance as a socio-commercial instrument for addressing urban poverty challenges

Building Sustainable Housing Finance Systems: Impacts of the European Fund for Southeast Europe.

Outcomes and impacts of housing loans in post-conflict environments

Client-Focused Technology Usage in Microfinance Institutions

What is the impact of client-focused information and communications technologies?

Community Investment Fund: A Study in Andhra Pradesh

Evaluating the impact of community investment funds on SHG members

Evaluating Microfinance Program Innovation with Randomized Control Trials: An Example from Group Versus Individual Lending

The role of randomized trials to test the effectiveness of new lending product