
Community Investment Fund: A Study in Andhra Pradesh

Evaluating the impact of community investment funds on SHG members
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This paper presents findings on the Community Investment Fund (CIF) of Andhra Pradesh, India. It assesses CIF's impact on SHG member households, SHG federations and the community. The study covered 230 members of 105 SHGs. Study findings include:

  • CIF mainly reached backward and scheduled castes, vulnerable and educated women, members who have been with the SHG for more than two years and SHG leaders;
  • Though most members were aware of CIF, they did not know about repayment norms and other procedures;
  • Vested interests of beneficiaries, implementing agencies and the community played a role in the selection of members for CIF loan;
  • Most borrowers repaid loan installments from funds raised at the household level rather than through external sources;
  • Skills, loan utilization patterns, resource availability, good market and the involvement of beneficiaries, implementing agency and community contributed to the activity's success.

The CIF created mixed impact. There was a moderate increase in employment generation and household income. Dependency on traditional credit sources, especially on money lenders, decreased. CIF created financial and social discipline among the household members. It decreased liquor consumption, unnecessary expenditure and migration.

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