All Publications

Showing 931 - 940 of 1695
Case Study

A Microfinance Institution Offers Health Protection Services to Reach New Markets

Responding to local health needs by innovative health protection methods
Case Study

A Microfinance Institution Offers Services to Protect Clients' Health in Burkina Faso

Context leading to health protection services for Réseau des Caisses Populaires microfinance clients

Dialogue about the Business Climate

Discusses the role of microfinance in Ghana's economy

Encountering the Evidence: Cooperatives and Poverty Reduction in Africa

Analyzing empirical evidence on the actual impact of cooperatives in Africa

Freedom from Hunger and Recent Developments at PADME in Benin

This paper expresses Freedom from Hunger’s support to the microfinance organization PADME in Benin.

How Microfinance Associations Add Value - 2 Observations with References from the Association of MFIs of Uganda (AMFIU)

Suggesting the rationale for microfinance associations

Kenya: The Cooperative Societies Act (Amended), 2004

Governing establishing and functioning of co-operative societies in Kenya

Microfinance Product Development in Ghana. The Innovative and Unique Dimensions of Kraban Support Foundation's Micro-Loan Products

Examining innovation in microloan products of financial NGOs in Ghana
Case Study

Trade Unions and Financial Inclusion: The Case of South Africa

Investigating the role of trade unions in shaping financial access policies