All Publications

Showing 731 - 740 of 1694

Climate Change Compliant Microfinance Delivery in Nigeria

Adapting to climate change through microfinance

Demand, Access & Use of Financial Services: FINSCOPE II 2009 Findings

Examining financial access in Uganda
Case Study

Expanding Opportunities through Microfinance in Cape Verde

Providing access to financial services and sustainable financial institutions

Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Dynamic Incentives in Rural Credit Markets

Helping lenders identify defaulters through fingerprinting

Is there Really any Money in Mobile Money?

Examining the ability of mobile money services to make profits

Savings and Internal Lending Communities – SILC: Voices from Africa

Highlighting the effectiveness of savings-led microfinance groups

Stokvels as an Instrument and Channel to Extend Credit to Poor Households in South Africa: An Inquiry

Using informal savings organizations as instruments for financial inclusion

Tackling the Growth Challenge: Working with MFIs in Kenya and Tanzania

Supporting growth of early stage MFIs in East Africa