All Publications

Showing 511 - 520 of 867

Costs of Basic Services in Kerala, 2007 Education, Health, Childbirth and Finance (Loans)

Examining pattern and cost of services critical to households
Case Study

Suvidha: Launching the Beam Card

Streamlining money transfers for unbanked consumers

Who are the Ultra Poor? Descriptive Statistics from Baseline Survey of SKS-UPP

Mapping socio-economic and demographic characteristics of clients
Case Study

Financial Landscape Baseline: Service Innovations of Pro Mujer Peru

Service innovations to improve financial services access
Case Study

Innovative Rural Finance in India: ICICI Bank's Credit Access Points

Examining an innovative rural finance model

Cost of Illness: Evidence from a Study in Five Resource-Poor Locations in India

Analyzing cost of an illness episode to assess finance needs for healthcare among the poor
Case Study

Enhancing the Impact of Microfinance: Client Demand for Health Protection Services on Three Continents

Potential of microfinance as a platform for delivering complementary health services
Case Study

Microcredit, Informal Credit and Rural Livelihoods: A Village Case Study in Bamyan Province

Impact of microcredit on household economies in Afghanistan

Psychology and Economics: What it Means for Microfinance

Insights into the financial behavior of the poor